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● problem "Practice Test", "Q &", and there are three "effect measurement".
It is suggested that you do learn a problem that suits them.

● "Practice Test", the temporary exemption written test for the "Karimen before exercise", effect measurement and of this exemption written test for
There are two types of "this exemption before exercise."
Because it is questions in the same manner as the actual written test, you can put the skills, it is best to try the ability.

● "Q &" is, as "another random question category," "intensive challenge the weak training item!",
"Re-challenge the weak problem!", There are four types of "challenge to the problem everyone is wrong!".
You can be intensively learning the review and their weak points of the Department of training.



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  • 満点様の推奨環境は以下の通りです。ご確認ください。
O      S Windows7、8、8.1、10
ブ ラ ウ ザ Internet Explorer6以上
モニタ解像度 1024×768ドット以上
